LONDON - The Romanian gypsy woman, whose 10-year-old daughter gave birth to a baby in Spain recently, is puzzled the case is getting so much attention, as she says it is a normal ritual for them.
LONDON - A nude portrait by Amedeo Modigliani has fetched a record price of nearly 69 million dollars at an auction in New York.
LONDON - For most of us, laughter is a happy part of life, but for a UK scientist, it can trigger an extraordinary reaction in which she falls into a trance-like state unable to see or move.
LONDON - Chinese have remodeled US President Barack Obama as a blow-up sex doll. A doll wearing a dark blue suit and red tie, and with Obama's face carefully screen-printed onto its head, was exhibited at the recent 8th Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou.
LONDON - A train station vending machine in China is offering its commuters a different kind of snack - live crabs.
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