LONDON - TV Licensing bosses have issued staff with a manual advising that customers who use words like 'idiot', 'shambles' or 'useless', are likely to be making a complaint.
LONDON - More than 31,000 couples in Britain rushed to tie the knot on October 10, 2010, as they believed it to be the "luckiest day of the century".
LONDON - The country estate made famous in Sir Paul McCartney's 'Mull of Kintyre' is on the market for 3 million pounds.
LONDON - Chilean miners, who are about to be rescued after months-long ordeal under ground, should prepare themselves to face another at home. former submarine commander who survived months under the sea has warned that the men could become involved in power tussles with their wives when they finally reach home.
LONDON - All it takes is a mathematical equation to win the World Conker Championships, the winner revealed yesterday.
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