BEIJING - Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi believes that six-party talks should resume as soon as possible to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
LONDON - The latest US diplomatic cables released by the whistle blowing web site Wikileaks reveal that North Korea wanted British musician Eric Clapton to perform in Pyongyang because dictator Kim Jong-il's son was a great fan of his.
LONDON - An Iranian man, who blinded his lover's husband by throwing acid onto his face, is to suffer the same fate, as Iran's Islamic code allows for "an eye-for-an-eye, a tooth-for-a-tooth" retribution.
KARACHI - To avoid any untoward incident of terrorism or crime during Muharram, which falls on Friday, the Karachi Capital City Police will deploy 5, 700 of its personel to monitor the mourning processions.
MOSCOW - Russia has launched an Allegro speed train, along with Finland, linking Helsinki and St Petersburg.
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