Hindus laud Norwegian churches for supporting rights of immigrants

Sunday, December 12, 2010

NEVADA - Hindus have applauded Norwegian churches for coming out with a “vision” document, strongly backing the rights and integration of immigrants.

Well known Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that it was wonderful to see the Norwegian churches banding together to help the weakest section of the society and speaking for their rights and thus helping create an inclusive society.

Published by Multicultural Church Network of Christian Council of Norway (CCN), this document titled “Our vision!” says: The bible makes it clear that the value of human beings and their participation in the community does not depend on their nationality, cultural background or legal status. By his life, Jesus gives us an example of commitment to the poor, the outcasts, the powerless and the victims of discrimination. This means that the church is also committed to be involved with refugees and immigrants in our society.

Multicultural Church Network wants to challenge the churches, politicians and society in Norway to accept their part of the responsibility for creating a just and inclusive society. Document says that an “inclusive society is everybody’s responsibility” and adds that “we want”: immigrants to be welcomed in Norwegian society, everyone to take on themselves responsibility for opposing racism and all forms of discrimination, giving people with a foreign background the possibility of participating in the community, all local authorities to be willing to receive more refugees and the state to implement an effective policy of integration.

It further adds that “we are against”: spreading of prejudiced opinions about people because of their background, colour or religion; basing a restrictive asylum and immigration policy on public opinion; etc. It also wants: basic rights must apply to all human beings, integration to be regarded as a mutual process and not as assimilation, etc.

Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, further said that religious organizations and leaders in other countries should learn from Norway churches and stand together with the immigrants, downtrodden and powerless sections of the society. Helping the helpless was the purpose of religion, he added.

The Multicultural Church Network is a network of Churches (including majority Church of Norway headed by the King), Christian organizations and institutions, and migrant Churches that wish to work for and with refugees and immigrants in Norway in order to create an inclusive community. CCN, founded in 1992, is a fellowship of churches, Christian religious communities, and parishes in Norway. Svein Jacobsen Veland and Else Britt Nilsson are Leader and Chair respectively of CCN Board while Ornulf Steen is CCN General Secretary. (ANI)

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