NEW DELHI - When news of a mob torching the Tyndale Biscoe School in Srinagar was flashed, the pain and agony was witnessed over 2000 kilometers away from the valley. Mumbai-based Pawan Durani, an exiled Kashmiri Pandit, who passed out from the school in 1986, was literally in tears.
PATNA/KOLKATA - Maoists shot dead a man in West Bengal and set off a blast that partially damaged tracks in Bihar on the second day of their two-day shutdown in six states on Tuesday.
NEW DELHI - Let us presume for a moment that the government does find the elusive starting point for talks, the crucial question that arises is who does the government talk to and also what does it talk about?
NEW DELHI - When news of a mob torching the Tyndale Biscoe School in Srinagar was flashed, the pain and agony was witnessed over 2000 kilometers away from the valley. Mumbai-based Pawan Durani, an exiled Kashmiri Pandit, who passed out from the school in 1986, was literally in tears.
RANCHI - Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda will seek vote of confidence in the state assembly today.
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