Cathay Pacific accused of racism after refusing job to Muslim worker

Sunday, February 20, 2011

LONDON - Algerian born Salim Zakhrouf (38), a Muslim airport worker, has accused Cathay Pacific airline of racism, after he was denied an interview, only to be offered one two days later when he applied again, using a fake British sounding name.

Zakhrouf had applied to Cathay Pacific for a job as a passenger services officer at the Heathrow Airport.

He had been informed via email that he had not been selected for interview, but applying 48 hours later as Ian Woodhouse, with the same CV and home address, he was invited for the interview by the same officer who had refused him earlier, The Daily Mail reports.

Zakhrouf refused to attend the interview and informed his union Unite about this incident, which has now decided to register a case against Cathay Pacific, accusing the airline of racial discrimination to an employment tribunal.

Marketing Head for Cathay Pacific in UK, Roberto Abbondio, termed the incident as an ‘administrative error’, and said that the company was reviewing its recruitment process after the incident.

Though executives of Cathay Pacific have apologized to Zakhrouf, he said he had no desire to work for the airline, after the way he had been treated. (ANI)

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