SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco has passed a new law that requires all cell phone retailers to display the amount of radiation each instrument emits.
NEVADA - Hindus have welcomed "inter-religious dialogue and cooperation" program of World Council of Churches (WCC). "In our increasingly pluralistic societies, more inter-religious dialogue and cooperation are needed if conflict fueled by religion is to be constructively addressed... we must learn to live our faith with integrity while respecting and accepting each other", this WCC Program points out.
NEVADA - A Hindu leader has been denied the request to read the opening prayer of Tasmania House of Assembly of Australia.
NEVADA - Hindus have urged Brazil to look deeply into the reported discrimination against practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions like Candomble, Umbanda, etc., and come up with a plan to eradicate it.
NEVADA - Calling Pope's "forgiveness begging" at a Vatican Mass on June 11 a "step in right direction", Hindus want Pope to urgently come up with a white paper on global sex scandal engulfing the Roman Catholic Church, which they called "unprecedented and shocking".
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