LONDON - Prince Harry is apparently planning to book a kinky lesbian burlesque act to perform at his brother's stag night.
LONDON - A leading British designer has slammed the fashion industry's continued obsession with skinny models, accusing it of being both ageist and sexist in its attitudes to women.
LONDON - Julian Assange has said that he felt betrayed by his former colleague who has written a book describing the WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange as 'power hungry' and 'irresponsible', and added that he is considering to return to his birthplace in Australia.
LONDON - A Scout troop in Britain has been slammed after it staged the mock kidnapping of Prince William's bride-to-be Kate Middleton by terrorists.
LONDON - Prince William and Kate Middleton may spend part of their honeymoon at Balmoral, which is in Scotland.
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