KOLKATA - A two-day shutdown called by Maoists across the six states of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh as well as three districts of Maharashtra begins on Monday.
KOLKATA -In yet another blunder by government departments, an advertisement issued by the Indian Railways has placed New Delhi in Pakistan and Kolkata in the Bay of Bengal.
KOLKATA - West Benagal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya today cautioned trade unions against militant and destructive, agitations and said blind adherence to a charter of demands, while neglecting industrial concerns, won't push the state forward.
KOLKATA - Transgender persons in West Bengal want reservation not just in Parliament, but also in education, jobs and all community and social development programmes. Transgender activist, Agniva Lahiri points out that mere political representation cannot bring emancipation to a community which is fighting for its right to citizenship and human rights in India.
KOLKATA - After the success of the first phase of the joint anti-Maoist operation in West Bengal, a similar operation will be launched in Jharkhand.
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