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WASHINGTON - Late American scientist Thomas Alva Edison was dead right with most of his predictions for the future, which he had made in a 1911 interview.
WASHINGTON - Prince Charles has paid tribute to the Gurkha soldiers who lost their lives while fighting in Afghanistan, and also presented medals to the critically injured ones during their combat operations in that country.
WASHINGTON - Virginia Democratic Representative Jim Moran has linked the current political environment to the American Civil War, and added that his party lost out in last year's mid-term polls because voters "don't want to be governed by an African-American."
WASHINGTON - Bristol Palin has been dropped from her planned speaking engagement at Washington University.
WASHINGTON - Though the US State Department and Pakistani officials are at odds over the identity of a US consular employee charged of killing two Pakistani men in Lahore, sources identified the accused as Raymond Davis, a private security officer.
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