EDINBURGH - Scottish Government officials are reportedly skeptical about the Lockerbie Bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi being close to death.
MELBOURNE - Keeping your feelings buried has never done anybody any good, and now a new study suggests the same applies even at work.
WASHINGTON - Despite new criticism from a UN human rights expert against CIA drone attacks, the United States government's covert program using unmanned aerial vehicles to strike at terrorists inside Pakistan is unlikely to stop or be changed.
LONDON - A group of former Wikileaks staff who quit the whistleblower website would reportedly launch a new campaigning site next week to protest against Julian Assange, according to Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.
LONDON - The whistle blower website WikiLeaks is being exploited for propaganda purposes against India by Pakistani newspapers, which have published fake cables attacking the Indian Army.
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