‘China may overtake US as premier nation for scientific and technological innovation’

Sunday, February 20, 2011

WASHINGTON - US President Barrack Obama’s science adviser has warned that China could overtake America as the premier nation for scientific and technological innovation, if “we don’t lift our game”.

In 1957, the launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite had threatened American pre-eminence.

The Independent quoted John Holdren, the Director of the White House office of science and technology policy, as saying that America faces another “Sputnik moment”, but this time from China, which is investing heavily in scientific research and development.

“Everybody is looking at China and saying, if we don’t lift our game, China is going to eat our lunch economically because the amount they are investing in science, technology and innovation, while it has not yet reached anything like our level, is rising very quickly,” Dr Holdren said.

Last month, Obama had warned that Americans face their own “Sputnik moment” and that the US needs to reach a level of research and development, which the country has failed to attain since the height of the space race five decades ago, the paper said.

Dr Holdren further said that China is not only doing “extraordinary things” in terms of science and innovation, but also investing in major university research facilities like huge experimental wind tunnels to test advanced passenger trains.

“So people are looking in there and saying ‘you know, it’s not automatic that the US will be number one in science, technology and innovation’. This is something that has to be cultivated, it has to be invested in, and the President has been very clear that he wants to see us having innovation, education and out-build the competition,” he added. (ANI)

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