KFC pulls fish sandwich ad campaign using Obama look-alike
By ANIFriday, February 4, 2011
WASHINGTON - KFC in Hong Kong has pulled an Obama-themed commercial selling a fish fillet sandwich.
A spokesman for Yum! Brands, however, declined to say exactly why the video ad campaign, which used an Obama look-alike to sell the sandwich, was yanked from air, reports Fox News.
He maintained it ‘was meant to be a spoof’.
“No disrespect was intended,” said spokesman Ben Golden via e-mail, according to the blog Obama Foodorama.
The impersonator is shown in what looks like a rally boasting the US President Barack Obama’s message for change.
“Change, not only for America, but for the whole world,” the actor says in the ad.
“Not only for your mom, but for you, for your stomach, for a better taste!”
The video is complete with a spoof on Obama’s campaign tagline: ‘Mmmm, change is good!’ (ANI)