Lucknow couple name their children on political leaders

Sunday, January 30, 2011

LUCKNOW - Parents are usually seen considering rare, popular and unique choices of names for their new born baby, but a couple in the outskirts of Lucknow have gone far ahead and named their children on influential political leaders.

Unlike political leaders of different parties who are often seen having conflicts with each other, the children in this family who have their names on politicians are different; they live in harmony under one roof.

Commenting on the politically inspired names, Sheetala Devi said that she and her husband wanted their children to become popular and successful like political leaders.

The mother said that she has six sons, whose names include Manmohan Singh, Rajnath Singh, Gyani Zail Singh, Kalyan Singh, Mulayam Singh, Bal Thackeray and a daughter named Jayalalitha.

“I want my children to learn from their (influential politicians) names and work hard to become successful in life and make us proud. They should become popular and be recognized by everyone in the country and internationally, but the poverty is hindering their progress as they can’t study and get proper education due to lack of finance,” Sheetala Devi said.

“We don’t understand what to do now? We couldn’t overcome our sad state and may remain poverty stricken forever,” she added.

The eldest son, Mulayam Singh, said: “Our parents thought of giving names of political leaders to us so that we can inculcate the qualities that the influential leaders possess.”

“Our parents might have wanted us to get inspired and learn from the political leaders and work hard to remove the poverty that we are currently suffering from and become popular figures and make them feel proud of us,” she added.

The family states to live below the poverty line and to support their living the members’ work as daily wagers. (ANI)

Filed under: India

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