Teaching of Urdu in UK schools ‘has almost doubled in 4 years’
By ANIThursday, January 27, 2011
LONDON - Figures released by CILT, the national language learning center, show that the number of state secondary schools offering Urdu as a foreign language has almost doubled in the past 4 years.
According to the report, pupils at more than 10 per cent of schools study the subject - up from 6 per cent in 2007, reports the Independent.
However, it is the brightest spot in an incredibly bleak horizon for the provision of languages in state schools.
Its rise is put down to teachers encouraging pupils to pursue their mother tongues.
The report warns that the provision of languages is now “associated with privilege” - particularly at GCSE and A-level - with only independent and grammar schools and specialist language colleges still retaining a high level of provision.
Urdu (Camp Language) is not really a “Home Language” but a construct of Hindi Grammar, Persian Alphabet and words from Afgani, Deri/Persian, and Arabic. (ANI)