Voting machines face a tough initial test in NY, last state to comply with federal law

By Sara Kugler Frazier, AP
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Voting machines face tough 1st test in NY primary

NEW YORK — Scattered hiccups with voting machines are flustering poll workers and voters in New York, the last state to comply with the federal Help America Vote Act.

New York voters have pulled levers for 80 years. But on Tuesday they were presented with paper ballots to mark by pen and feed into machines.

At polling sites where the machines were working, voters shrugged and mostly agreed the new system was easy to use. But a number of first-day problems caused delays, backups and frustration. At one site, setup problems delayed the 6 a.m. opening by more than two hours.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg did not vote Tuesday because he is not registered with any party. He called the reports “disturbing” and a “royal screw-up.”

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