BP controversies stealing thunder from David Cameron’s trip to Washington

By Desmond Butler, AP
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

BP stealing thunder from Cameron’s US visit

WASHINGTON — British Prime Minister David Cameron says he wants to talk about Afghanistan, Middle East peace prospects and the global economy during his visit to Washington.

Everyone else wants to talk about BP.

Cameron’s first trip to Washington as prime minister begins Tuesday. It is being overshadowed by anger in the United States over BP’s spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the British oil giant’s alleged involvement in the decision to free Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi from jail last year.

In their meeting, Cameron and Obama will discuss a host of pressing issues. Chief among them will be Afghanistan. Britain has been the most crucial U.S. military partner in Afghanistan but is facing inevitable budget cuts and the unpopularity of the war.

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