Meet the woman who’s allergic to Christmas trees!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

LONDON - For Lisa Smith, Christmas hasn’t always been merry, as she is allergic to Christmas trees and falls ill every year-end.

The 26-year-old from East London is allergic to chemicals found in pine needles.

“From the moment the first Christmas trees went up in the shops, I’d plunge into what felt like a constant flu,” the Telegraph quoted her as saying.

She added: “Even on Christmas Day I found it impossible to feel excited about opening presents and would sneeze and cough and blow my nose throughout dinner.”

The swimming instructor’s condition is similar to those experienced by hay fever sufferers.

The strong smelling sap contained in pine needles apparently triggers allergy.

She learnt about her medical condition through the web, while her fiancé Phil French, suggested she might be allergic to Christmas.

Now, Smith’s GP has confirmed the diagnosis.

And, she has smartly replaced real Christmas tree with an artificial one for this year.
She said: “This will be the first time in over a decade I will be able to have a normal Christmas. It will be a relief to open my presents and have a Christmas Dinner without feeling unwell.” (ANI)

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