
FRESNO, Calif. - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday honored the Good Samaritan who authorities say chased down a kidnapper and helped free an 8-year-old Fresno girl.

FRESNO, Calif. - An 8-year-old girl who was abducted while playing outside a Fresno home escaped from her captor Tuesday morning after a driver cut off the suspect's vehicle, police said.

FRESNO, Calif. - Plans to resurrect the Gottschalks department store chain are being postponed from next month until spring, the new company's chairman says.

FRESNO, Calif. - Plans to show a documentary film at California State University, Fresno about the discovery of glass negatives purported to be the work of famed nature photographer Ansel Adams have been canceled.

FRESNO, Calif. - Producers of raw almonds are poised for a federal court battle that they hope will ultimately allow them to resume production of the nut without using chemical pesticides or steam.
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