
Matthew Knight Arena’s Ticket Farce
EUGENE ( There was much confusion on Friday after buyers went through a harrowing experience for buying tickets for the upcoming Elton John concert in Eugene's Matthew Knight Arena.

EUGENE, Ore. - In a story Aug.
Sarah Palin visits liberal Oregon stronghold
Sarah Palin could have hardly picked a more crunchy granola town to give a speech in than Eugene, Ore.

EUGENE, Ore. - Conan O'Brien, fueled by three months of unused comedy energy, kicked off a nationwide tour that evoked his late-night brand of edgy humor and brought a college-town crowd to its feet.

EUGENE, Ore. - Conan O'Brien, who counted his viewers in the millions on NBC's "Tonight," is playing to a small-town crowd of 2,500 - and no TV cameras - as he opens a two-month, nationwide comedy tour Monday.
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