Petraeus may quit post of commander of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan by year end
By ANIWednesday, February 16, 2011
WASHINGTON - General David Petraeus plans to quit his post as commander of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan as a part of changes to be introduced by the Pentagon.
Petraeus took over in July and replacing him is a part of’ natural rotation’, according to the Pentagon.
The Pentagon said General Petraeus had been doing a “brilliant” job, but he had been “going virtually non-stop since 9/11. He can’t do it for ever.”
There are speculations that his next role may be that of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the post from which Mike Mullen is expected to retire in October.
“I can assure you General Petraeus is not quitting as ISAF commander, but nor does he plan to stay in Afghanistan forever. Obviously he will rotate out at some point, but that point has not yet been determined and it will not occur anytime soon. Until then, he will continue to ably lead our coalition forces in Afghanistan.” The Telegraph quoted Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary, as saying.
This week, a retired diplomat Marc Grossman, a former ambassador to Turkey replaced the late Richard Holbrooke as the US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan. (ANI)