Prince Charles breaks Royal protocol for flood-hit family

Monday, November 22, 2010

LONDON - Prince Charles recently broke the Royal protocol by signing an autograph for a flood-hit family.

He visited residents in Cornwall to lend his support after torrential downpours hit the county last week. Among them were Tony and Meg Hendy - whose home in St Blazey had been deluged with water and mud.

The Prince, who wrote ‘Charles 2010′ in the autograph, apologised for the ’shaky writing’ because he ‘never writes standing up’.

Photographer Paul Williams, who witnessed the unique signing, said the Prince seemed “genuinely touched” by their plight.

“The Hendys’ whose house was one of the worst affected was the only property that he visited,” the Daily Mail quoted Williams as saying.

“He seemed genuinely touched by this couple and said if he could help in anyway he would. Then Mrs Hendy asked him for an autograph.

“As everyone knows Royal protocol means that the Queen and Prince Charles never give autographs. They may sign visitors books or official documents, but autographs never.

The Prince offered to help in anyway he could and was then asked by Mrs Hendy: “Can I be really cheeky please sir and can I have your autograph for my young son Tom?”

“Charles astounded his protection squad and asked them to find him some paper, which they did.

“Then with a detective holding a file for him to rest on, he whipped out his Royal Parker pen and scribbled ‘CHARLEY 2010′ on it.

“They’ve gone from the depths of despair losing all of their belongings just before Christmas to having a Royal visit and obtaining an unheard of souvenir,” Williams added. (ANI)

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