US couple set up website poll to decide on abortion

Friday, November 19, 2010

LONDON - A couple expecting their first child have launched a website,, to ask people to vote on whether they should have an abortion.arried Pete and Alisha Arnold, both 30, said they launched the site because they are “unsure” if they want to have the kid.

They are asking the public to have their say in the best traditions of American democracy. he couple, of Minneapolis, USA, are uploading regular scan images of their healthy unborn son who they have nicknamed “Wiggles”.

Alisha is now 17 weeks pregnant and web users have until December 7 to cast their vote - just two days before the 20-week cut-off line for a state-legal abortion.

The couple has said the final vote will “influence their decision heavily” and the latest results show 79.79 per cent voting to keep the baby and 20.53 per cent for an abortion.

Writing on her blog, Alisha said she fears the pressure of juggling motherhood and a career could cause her to have a nervous breakdown.I’m not convinced that I want to change the status quo. I feel that as I age I’ve actually gotten more selfish and set in my ways. I’m afraid that I will eventually regret starting a family and ’settling down’,” the Sun quoted her as she wrote in her blog.

“I fear that the constant pressure to be the perfect wife and mother while maintaining a full-time job will eventually cause my brain to implode and lead to a nervous breakdown,” Alisha added.

Alisha has already suffered two miscarriages in the past ten months - the first at 16 weeks and the second at five weeks.

David Davidson, who voted anonymously on the poll, had a change of heart after viewing the baby scans - and he begged them to consider their actions.

“Just because I acted like an immature little child who didn’t weigh the cost of manipulating this poll because I thought it would be ‘funny’ doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your child to the internet deity that is ‘Anonymous’,” he commented.

Another anonymous user added: “If you’re dumb enough to let random strangers on the internet decide the fate of your family, then you are certainly not mature enough to be parents. You need professional help.”

Despite this, Pete and Alisha have continued with the website and “support people encouraging others to voice their opinions on an issue as large as keeping a baby or not.” (ANI)

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