Scottish men ready to go under the knife to gain edge at work

Sunday, November 7, 2010

LONDON - If you think it’s only women who are concerned about flab or excess hair on their body, you might be wrong, as now Scottish men are rapidly catching up in the quest for a perfect body.

With new non-invasive techniques of liposuction combined with a need to gain an edge over rivals in recession-hit offices, an increasing number of men are ready to go under the knife.

One new clinic is about to start using ultrasound treatment to help men in Scotland reduce their spare tyres, beer bellies and man boobs while another said it has set up a ‘men-only’ service to cater for rising demand.

The Transform group, which has clinics in Glasgow and Edinburgh, said in the last year demand for liposuction from men had increased by 31 per cent.

“Scottish men absolutely suffer from the same body insecurities as women. When we opened our medi-clinic this summer, we believed our clientele would be predominantly women. After all, body hang ups are associated with females,” the Scotsman quoted An Dau of Lux clinics, as saying.

“But, quickly we saw that the non-invasive alternative to surgical liposuction was a big hit with men too. They now make up 15 per cent of our clientele.

“We have been seeing men of all ages and professions who have been actively looking to get rid of persistent pockets of fat in their chests, stomachs, arms and even chins.

“It is not invasive. There is no pain, so no downtime so people can just go back to work afterwards,” said Dau.

Mark Butterworth, consultant cosmetic surgeon at the Spire Murrayfield in Edinburgh, said it had also seen an increase in men coming forward for cosmetic procedures to lose unwanted fat and generally improve their appearance.

“Previously we may have seen one man in every 20 women. Now it is much closer to one in ten,” he said.

One factor was that the market place for jobs was becoming more competitive.

“The younger, fitter and healthier these guys look the more competitive they seem to be in the job market than the old, tired-looking guy in the corner competing against them for a job,” added Butterworth. (ANI)

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