Mumbai-style terror attack cells ‘already in Britain’, claims Qaeda commander
By ANITuesday, October 5, 2010
LONDON - Terrorist cells have reportedly been sent to Britain and Germany to launch Mumbai-style terror attacks.
According to the Telegraph, a series of alerts about the plot was released after an informant, Ahmad Sidiqi, told the US interrogators that he had met Ilyas Kashmiri, a one-eyed commander linked with the September attacks in Mumbai in 2008, who informed him that he had already sent teams to Britain and Germany to carry out such attacks.
He also claimed that Osama bin Laden had blessed such Mumbai-style attacks and commanded the militants to randomly kill civilians in crowded places in the region.
MI5 and the German intelligence agency the BND, however, failed to identify a fixed time of the targets. They are currently investigating whether a support network could be in place that is connected with Kashmiri.
Sidiqi, a German national from Hamburg, was captured by the Americans in July and has been interrogated at Bagram in Afghanistan for the last two months.
The al-Qaeda commander Kashmiri is a ‘Global Terrorist’ who is wanted in the US for plotting attacks on targets connected to Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed and David Coleman Headley, a US citizen facing charges connected to the Mumbai killings, the paper said. (ANI)