All work and no play taking fun out of Brit men’s lives

Monday, October 4, 2010

LONDON - It seems fun has taken a backseat for Brit men as work takes a toll on them

A new survey has found that 60 per cent of men are working more than 60 hours a week, reports the Daily Mail.

When it came to women, however, the results showed that the majority of them put in less than 37-and-a-half hours.

The research suggested that on average Brits have eight-and-a-half hours less free time each week than we did just five years ago.

Work commitments leave people with less than an hour for things they want to do.

Personal relationships, family and children are the next biggest calls on men’s time, the study by Windows Live Hotmail found.

Despite working longer hours, men generally find 25 minutes more a day to do activities they enjoy.

Women have 50 minutes of ‘me time’ each day, while men generally find one hour and 15 minutes.

Those who work in HR are the busiest, with 70 per cent taking work home every week.

Those working in science and creative media are the second and third busiest.

The study follows research last month, which found that unfit men who work long hours double their risk of dying from heart disease.

The study examined data for almost 5,000 men aged 40 to 59, from 14 companies, whose and fitness levels were tracked over 30 years.

It was published in the journal Heart. (ANI)

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