‘Asian unicorn’ spotted for first time in a decade dies in captivity
By ANIFriday, September 17, 2010
LONDON - An Asian unicorn, or saola as it is also known, which has not been seen in more than ten years, was captured and photographed but it unfortunately died in captivity.
The animal, dubbed a unicorn due to its rarity, was captured in the Laos province of Bolikhamxay by villagers, who later contacted the authorities about the find.ut by the time wildlife officials arrived the animal had become weak and it died soon after.
“We hope the information gained from the incident can be used to ensure that this is not the last saola anyone has a chance to see,” the Sun quoted conservationist William Robichaud as saying.
Officials in Bolikhamxay called its death “unfortunate” but said at least they now know the animals can be found in the area.
The last confirmed sighting of the animal was from a camera trap in 1999.
The Asian unicorn is thought to be related to types of wild cow, and had been discovered in 1992 living in remote regions of Vietnam and Laos. (ANI)