Meet the teen alcoholic who drinks 3 bottles of wine a day!
By ANIWednesday, September 8, 2010
LONDON - A 17-year-old Brit girl apparently drinks three bottles of wine a day and has been warned she will soon need a liver transplant if she doesn’t curb her addiction.
Amy Lewis, who started binge-drinking at the age of 12 and has had her stomach pumped three times, downs a shocking 180 units of alcohol each week - 12 times the recommended amount for women.
‘I know it’s killing me but I can’t stop,” the Daily Mail quoted Lewis, who lives in Chesterfield, Derbyshire as telling Closer magazine.
“Bingeing has made me an alcoholic. I could end up dead - but I always go back to the bottle,” she said.
Lewis, who works at her local McDonalds after leaving school, began buying cheap cider on Friday nights, aged 12, to fit in at school where she was subjected to bullying.
But her alcohol consumption has escalated to a �200-a-week habit: three bottles of wine a day during the week and half a litre of vodka, a bottle of wine and ten double vodkas on a night out at weekends.
“I go out to drink - not to have fun. I never remember the end of the night and often lose my friends,” she added. (ANI)