Polish pop star faces trial for claiming drunks wrote the Bible

Thursday, August 26, 2010

LONDON - A leading pop star from Poland is facing trial after she suggested that people “who liked herbal cigarettes and were drunks” wrote the Bible.

Dorota Rabczewska a.k.a. Doda made an appeal to a Warsaw court against attempts to prosecute her for insulting religious feeling, but her appeal was rejected.oda, 26, who is famed for her penchant for shedding clothes and colourful language, now faces two years in jail if convicted.

She had commented during a television interview in 2009 that she had little faith in the Bible because “it is hard to believe in something written by people who liked herbal cigarettes and were drunks”.

Asked if she had anybody in mind she replied “all those who wrote those amazing stories”.

Doda has argued that her remarks were “youthful” and off-the-cuff, and that she had never intended to insult religious feelings. She also attempted to argue that she meant medicinal cigarettes.

But the comments riled conservative Catholics in Poland already angered by the singer’s willingness to bare all in Playboy, and her raunchy videos.

One of her critics, Stanislaw Kogut, a senator in the Poland’s upper house of parliament, called Doda’s comments an “insult to Christians and Jews”.

Another, Ryszard Nowak, the chairman of the Committee for the Defence Against Sects, an ultra-conservative organisation dedicated to upholding Catholic values, appealed against an initial decision by prosecutors to drop the case.

His argument that Doda had broken Polish law protecting religious sensibilities and, therefore, her actions merited official investigation triggered legal proceedings against her.

Reacting to the news that the case against the singer stands, Nowak welcomed the court’s decision.

“This case has been around for over a year, and Miss Rabczewska has had plenty of time to apologise, but instead she has just mocked us even more,” the Scotsman quoted him as saying.

“She has tried to say that she was talking about non-alcoholic wine and medicinal cigarettes.

“This is a matter of historical significance because if it had been dropped, it would have shown artists that there are no boundaries,” he stated.

In the wake of the Bible comments, Nowak also launched a campaign this summer to get towns to cancel Doda concerts arguing “that similar blasphemy may occur”. (ANI)

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