Brit woman, 78, is world’s oldest gliding instructor
By ANIWednesday, August 18, 2010
LONDON - While most women her age prefer to stay home and knit, a 78-year-old British woman has decided to take to the skies, and become the world’s oldest gliding instructor.
Cathy Lawrance, who whoops and claps every times she goes up, teaches youngsters a third of her age.awrance, of Melton, Leics, took up piloting the engineless planes in 1959 while five months pregnant, and has made more than 1,800 flights.
“I did knitting in my 20s and 30s but I don’t do that any more. Once I discovered gliding I couldn’t go back. This is far more exciting,” the Sun quoted her as saying.
“Other grans might be content to take it easy, but I’ve no plans to hang up my goggles,” she added.
The news of her gliding skills spread and she is now starring in a TV ad for food firm Wall’s. (ANI)