Brit millionaire offers one million dollar to streak naked in front of Obama

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

LONDON - A British billionaire has offered to give one million dollar to the person who manages to streak naked in front of US President Barack Obama

Alki David, the heir to a shipping and bottle-plant empire with an estimated fortune of 1.15 billion pounds, made the pledge as part of a publicity stunt for a new website.

Almost three months ago the Nigerian born businessman, 42, established the “Battlecam” site, which offers people thousands of pounds if they perform, video and then upload crazy stunts, The Telegraph reports.

As part of the site’s promotion Alki initially offered 100,000 dollars to the person who successfully streaked in front of the US President.

But on Tuesday, he raised the stakes to one million dollar after being told the prize money was “not enough” to warrant such a daring prank.

Alki defended himself against claims that he was creating a security risk for the President.

“I have thought about the Secret Service taking me aside and pulling me behind the White House bicycle shed but this is all in good fun. I find most Americans are able to laugh at themselves.

It is not as if there are any negative intentions. It is just a silly, outrageous prank which is not going to hurt anyone,” he told The Telegraph. (ANI)

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