Almost 100 Brit head teachers ‘earning more than PM’

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

LONDON - Close to 100 head teachers could reportedly be earning more than the Prime Minister, teaching unions in UK have said.

A primary school head of Tidemill Primary School, Mark Elms, is earning a whopping package of 276,000 pound.

Concerns have been raised that as many as 100 head teachers could be earning more than 150,000 pound every year.

“The fact we don’t know is a problem,” the Telegraph quoted Dr Mary Bousted, of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers as saying.

“I suspect that the head teachers in many academies are being paid very high salaries, but I do not know for sure,” she added.

Analysis of council accounts by the GMC union revealed 12 head teachers in receipt of at least 150,000 pounds a year in London and the South East alone.

The reports come days after it was learnt that Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, may seek to prevent any head teacher earning more than the Prime Minister, who is paid 142,500 pound.

But there were concerns that Gove’s plans to cap salaries did not take into account the fact that one head could be in charge of more than one school in a federation.

Chris Keates,of the NASUWT teaching union, said the earnings of academy principals and executive head teachers who “run” more than one school represented “unacceptable secret gardens in the education system”.

“There needs to be publication of head teachers’ pay and rewards, proper scrutiny by local authorities and a detailed review of the system,” she added. (ANI)

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