Brit soldier hit in face by Taliban bullet spits it out again
By ANITuesday, July 13, 2010
LONDON - British Army sniper Luke Reeson, who was serving on the frontline in war ravaged Afghanistan, was shot in the face by the Taliban, but the hero lance corporal spat the bullet out and then walked two miles with a shattered jaw to get medical treatment.
And now he is back on the frontline in Afghanistan less than three months after escaping death with his mates from 1 Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment.
Luke’s proud mum Kim Reeson has described the 22-year-old as Desperate Dan after the cartoon character with the iron jaw.
Luke was on patrol in Nad-e-Ali in Helmand when an insurgent’s bullet hit his body armour and ricocheted into his face.
It tore into his cheek, broke his jaw and came out through his mouth. After 24 hours with military medics at Camp Bastion, he was flown to Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham, The Sun reports.
Mother Kim said: “The Army was impressed with Luke’s recovery and he just wanted to get back with the lads. He knows he’s very lucky but he’s trying to play down his injury.”
She said: “He looked like Desperate Dan with his jaw all swollen but we’re very proud of him. There are soldiers all over the country recovering from injuries who never get noticed.” (ANI)