Brit bank exec sends serial staff emails warning about randy workmate

Thursday, July 1, 2010

LONDON - An executive PA at investment giant Barclays Capital has sent hundreds of staff an email warning them off a randy workmate.

Miranda Barker had sent off the alert to every secretary in the firm, but the message ended up being read by thousands of people after stunned staff forwarded it on to pals.

In the email, she said the rat was “sleeping his way around all of the secretaries”, and she also described how he had tried it on with her.

“He was very persistent,” the Sun quoted her as stating.

She claimed a pal who had just left the company had asked her to pass on the warning because she had contracted a sexually transmitted disease from him.

“I have seen him in action personally - watch out for him,” Barker, who is in her early 20s, said, adding a description of the man.

The email, sent from her account, even copied him and all his bosses in on it - along with hundreds of secretaries across all the investment bank’s HQ in London’s Canary Wharf.

Bosses, who were left horrified by it, tried to stop it from leaking out of the company, but it has been doing its rounds on the Internet even as the company launched an investigation into the scandal.

“People are speechless,” a source revealed.

Barclays is now deciding what action to take against the sender. (ANI)

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