Cat walks 2,000 miles to find owners!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

LONDON - A cat has astonished experts after travelling for 2,000 miles across Russia to find his owners after they moved house.

Owner Ravila Hairova, 52, left her cat Karim to her neighbours in Gulistan, Uzbekistan as they were moving out to Russia. ut surprisingly, two years later the owner found her pet waiting on her doorstep in Liska, Russia.

9-year-old Karim crossed three state borders to reach his owners.

“I knew he had disappeared from my neighbours’ home a few days after we left which was very sad but we never heard another word about him,” the Sun quoted Hairova as saying.

“Then I was walking along the road and I saw this cat which seemed to be waiting for me. When I go closer I saw it was Karim - thin, and in very poor condition but it was him.

He is very happy now and so are we. I’ve no idea how he found us but I’m very glad he did,” she added.

Ravila’s husband Lev Kondratyev, 46, said, “He looks like he used up all of his nine lives to get to us - but it’s definitely him.

“There are certain marks on his body including a scar on his tail when it was caught in the door that show us he is 100 per cent our Karim - and he obviously recognised us as well,” Kondratyev added. (ANI)

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