40pc Americans believe Jesus will return by 2050
By ANIWednesday, June 23, 2010
LONDON - According to a poll, 40 percent of Americans expect Jesus to return in the next 40 years.
The poll from the Pew Research Centre For The People and The Press/Smithsonian Magazine found that 71 per cent believe cancer will be cured and 81 per cent believe computers will be able to converse like humans by mid century.
The list of positives, however, ends here.
68 per cent of those under 30 predict a world war by 2050, 72 per cent believe that there will be an energy crisis worldwide by 2050 and 31 per cent expect an asteroid will strike the planet.
53 per cent expect a terrorist attack against the United States using a nuclear weapon.
The poll also shows a sharp dip in overall optimism from 1999, when 81 per cent expected a good life for themselves and their families.
The current poll found just 64 per cent were. And 56 percent predicted the US economy would be stronger in 40 years, compared to 64 percent of those polled in 1999.
The results were compiled from telephone and online interviews with 1,546 adults in April, reports The Telegraph.
The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points, according to Pew. (ANI)