New Tory MP accused of having an affair

Monday, June 14, 2010

LONDON - Newly-elected Tory MP Caroline Nokes, 37, who has been dubbed “Cameron Cutie” for her looks, has been accused of having an affair with a 27-year-old lover.

The MP for Romsey and Southampton North, who once boasted she was too pretty to be in politics, was accused of having an affair with Tory councillor James Dinsdale.

According to the Daily Express, her political opponents are now attacking her for putting out election literature allegedly portraying herself “as a member of a happy family” before her 4,156-vote victory over Liberal Democrat Sandra Gidley.

“I think a lot of people who voted for Caroline Nokes will now feel cheated by this. I am sure if there was an -election tomorrow, there would be a reversal of the result,” the tabloid quoted Lib Dem councillor Alan Dowden, who campaigned for Gidley, as saying.

Nokes was alleged to have had a tryst at a 129-pound-a-night London hotel with Dinsdale last week after a late debate in the Commons.

The pair was reported to have first met at the Tory conference in Bournemouth in October 2006 and since met at occasional party events.

She began her political career when her father, Euro MEP Roy Perry, gave her a job in his office in 1994 after she left university.

She spent years trying to become an MP, losing to Sandra Gidley by just 125 votes in 2005.

The same year she posed in a photo-shoot for a women’s glossy magazine on the hottest candidates for election, saying: “I’ve been told I’m too pretty to be in politics.”

She became an MP last month. She married businessman Marc Nokes, 42, in June 1995 and they have an 11-year-old daughter. They live in a detached house bought in 2004 for 685,000-pounds on the edge of the New -Forest. (ANI)

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