Brit boy, 7, ‘raped by friend’, 13

Friday, May 28, 2010

London, May 28 (ANI): A seven year-old boy in Britain has alleged his friend, 13, raped him.

The trial, over the October 2008 incident in West London, is continuing at Inner London Crown Court.

The victim had known the offender all his life, as their families were in friendly terms.

The court heard that the boy was playing with a ball at their estate, when the accused, now 15, came and beat him up.

He said that the boy, describing him as “the roughest in school,” pulled him in a corner by garages.

The youngster said, in a video made soon after the alleged attack, to police: “I was trying to bite him - he punched me in the nose.

“He put me down and I tried to go from him. Then he told me to take my trousers off.”

The jury was informed that a neighbour stopped the alleged attack.

“The defendant said if the victim told anyone, he would hit him very badly and someone would get killed,” the Sun quoted Riel Karmy-Jones, prosecuting, as saying.

The boy confessed about the incident to his mother a week later.

He also told police that the boy had sexually assaulted him earlier too.

The alleged attacker has admitted sexual assault but denied rape and sexual intercourse with a minor. (ANI)

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