Catalog offers mail-order solar home, with a choice of traditional or cedar siding
By APThursday, April 22, 2010
Catalog offers mail-order home: This one’s solar
BOULDER, Colo. — Real Goods Solar Inc. has been selling solar panels for homes for years, but its latest mail-order catalog goes one step further: The Louisville (LOO’-iss-vil), Colo., company offers a whole solar house, with a choice of traditional or cedar siding.
The factory-built, one-story house by Boulder-based Solar Village Homes goes for $90,000 to $120,000. It has energy-efficient and energy-producing features, including solar electrical and hot water systems. Setting it up could cost $40,000 to $100,000 extra.
Solar Village co-founder Mark Kostovny says it’s possible for solar home owners to have no energy bills, depending on their consumption.