Iran makes enrichment counteroffer; terms fall short of big power demands

By George Jahn, AP
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Iran nuclear offer falls short of world demands

VIENNA — Iran has formally set out its terms for giving up most of its cache of enriched uranium in a confidential document, and the conditions fall short of what has been demanded by the United States and other world powers.

The document — which was seen by The Associated Press — says Tehran is ready to hand over the bulk of its stockpile in a simultaneous exchange for fuel rods for its research reactor. It says the exchange must be on Iranian territory.

World powers want Iran to agree to ship out the material first and then wait up to a year for it to be turned into the reactor fuel. They insist on such terms because that would delay Iran’s ability to make a nuclear weapon by leaving it with too little enriched uranium to make a warhead.

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