Florida tomato growers reverse stance and support passing on higher wages to workers

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tomato pickers to get higher wages under new plan

MIAMI — Florida tomato growers have finally agreed to help pickers earn more by passing on extra wages offered by major food chains such as Burger King, Subway and Taco Bell.

For years the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange resisted calls by farmworker advocates to pass along an additional penny per pound for tomatoes picked. The Exchange even threatened to fine any members who took part. But this week it OK’d the idea and unveiled a new code of conduct for its members to ensure safe working conditions for the pickers. Exchange President Reggie Brown said discussions were under way with the chains to implement that plan.

“The code of conduct is modeled after codes used by our customers and across industries,” he said.

The chains had reached agreements with the advocacy group the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to boost wages and allow the coalition to help resolve labor disputes. But most of those deals were never put into practice because growers refused to participate. The Coalition says the move is a step forward.

But attorneys for the tomato pickers’ coalition said companies that had already signed agreements with the workers’ group might face problems joining the new plan. The previous agreements included oversight by the coalition, and the new growers’ plan does not.

The coalition said it was concerned about a lack of worker participation in the grower plan.

“In the end, the growers’ code leaves the foxes squarely in charge of the hen house,” said Coalition co-founder Lucas Benitez.

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