Guest chef Bayless fires off a few final tweets before last ‘day of creation’ for state dinner
By APWednesday, May 19, 2010
Chef fires a few final tweets before state dinner
WASHINGTON — Chicago chef Rick Bayless fired off a few final tweets Wednesday morning before scooting over to the White House to prep for the evening’s big state dinner for Mexican president Felipe Calderon and his wife, Margarita Zavala.
“Heading into the WH for another full day of creation,” Bayless reported. “Got my fingers crossed there are no hitches!”
The same could be said for the entire White House staff — anxious to pull off a flawless event, especially after the first state dinner of the Obama administration was overshadowed by a couple of party-crashers who somehow slipped through security.
About 200 guests have coveted invitations for this state dinner.
Guest chef Bayless has been in Washington for two days to get ready.