‘Don’t Do’ list for Brits in Dubai to keep them out of jail
By ANITuesday, May 4, 2010
LONDON - An official ‘Don’t Do’ list has been issued to British people in Dubai to keep them away from jail after a spate of clashes with strict Muslim authorities.
The list issued by British Embassy in the Arab emirate warns that dancing in public, sex outside marriage, sharing a hotel room when unmarried, and even holding hands could lead to arrest.
On the embassy website, expats and tourists have been told: “If you want to face possible arrest and imprisonment, ignore the advice.”
They say booze is only permitted in licensed restaurants, pubs, clubs and private venues. An alcohol licence is required for drinking at home.
Only married couples are allowed to hold hands, but kissing and hugging is considered an offence against public decency.
Drugs are strictly banned and taking or carrying them can mean a four-year jail term.
Using offensive language, spitting and aggressive behaviour is unacceptable, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a zero-tolerance policy on drink-driving.
“It is common-sense advice intended to keep Britons out of trouble,” the Sun quoted a Foreign Office spokesman as saying.(ANI)