UK Schools Secretary terms some students Tories
By ANIThursday, April 29, 2010
LONDON - Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, has managed to embroil himself in a war of words with the sixth-formers at Woodkirk High School in West Yorkshire.
According to The Telegraph, at the end of a typically bombastic performance during a question and answer session with the students, some of whom were old enough to vote, Balls was booed.
He retorted that the malcontents were “Tories”.
There were mutters that the word is proving an all-purpose term of abuse in some sections of the Labour Party to describe any groups, be they students or defence chiefs, who have the temerity to find fault in government policy.
Jonathan White, the school’s head teacher, said: “If he called them Tories, I am not surprised, because clearly they are. It was a spirited debate, by all accounts, which was good.” (ANI)