Spooky sightings of ghosts and evil spirits in Britain highest in 25 years

Monday, April 26, 2010

LONDON - In Britain, spooky sightings of ghouls, ghosts and evil spirits have come out to be higher than they have been in the past 25 years, according to a new report.

There have been nearly 1,000 reports of demonic activity in the past quarter of a century, with Yorkshire the nation’s most ghostly county.

Encounters with devils, demons and evil spirits are as widespread today as they were in medieval times, researchers claim.

The research was led by the UKs leading authority on the unexplained Lionel Fanthorpe who studied various archives and websites as well as his own reports to identify all sightings and recordings of supernatural beings with satanic qualities.

The study found that despite being in time of accelerating technology, 21st century Britons have not turned their back on ghouls, boggarts, hell-hounds, witches, wizards, banshees and black magic curses.

The report registered a whopping 968 reports of demonic activity in the past 25 years.

It identified Yorkshire as the centre of ghostly goings-on demonic activity with 74 reports of demons, including Uncabus and Succubus (male and female demons that make sexual attacks on sleeping victims), instances of demonic possession and sightings of hell hounds, water demons and demons with repulsive forms such as ghouls and werewolves.

Devonshire rated second in the study with 57 reports of sinister activity, mainly from encounters with or sightings of demons with devil like qualities.

Third in the spooky activity table is Somerset, which hosts the highest number of monsters and has 51 sightings or reports of demonic entities, with Wiltshire coming in fourth with 46 sightings of demons.

People in Inverness report sightings of 13 water ghosts in the last 25 years-evil spirits whose main purpose is to lure their victims into dangerous water and then drown them.

The Demonic Britain report was carried out for the latest DVD release of US TV series Supernatural, normally broadcast on the cable channel Living.

This report clearly shows we are a nation still rich in sightings and reports of devils, demons and evil spirits of various forms,” the Telegraph quoted Lionel Fanthorpe as saying.

“The present human population is many times greater than it was in the past. Therefore the more people that there are, statistically, the more potential encounters they might have with these unpleasant, non-human entities,” he added.

Top 10 ghostly sightings by area:

1 Yorkshire 74

2 Devonshire 57

3 Somerset 51

4 Wiltshire 46

5 Inverness 39

6 Dorset 37

7 Norfolk 32

7 Lancashire 32

8 Sussex 30

8 Derbyshire 30

9 Essex 29

9 Suffolk 29

10 Lincolnshire 24 (ANI)

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