FAA orders new inspections for Boeing 737s; 1st round may have missed cause of vibrations
By APMonday, April 26, 2010
FAA orders new inspections for Boeing 737s
WASHINGTON — A new round of inspections was ordered Monday for some Boeing 737s that can develop a dangerous vibration in the tail.
The inspections cover the mechanism that attaches a movable flap to the plane’s elevator, which is the surface in the plane’s tail that points the nose up or down. If that flap comes loose it can cause a severe vibration, the Federal Aviation Administration said.
Last month the FAA ordered inspections of that part. But since then, the problem developed on a plane that had gotten the earlier inspection, causing “severe elevator vibration,” the FAA order said. It ordered more detailed inspections within six to 12 days. The order covers about 360 planes.
The FAA did not identify the airline that had the incident that prompted the new inspection order.
Boeing Co. spokeswoman Sandy Angers said the problem was caused when an outside manufacturer used incorrect tooling on about 200 planes. The new inspection order covers those planes, plus another 160 — a precaution because they are certified for long overwater flights, she said.
The new FAA order mirrors a Boeing directive issued April 16, she said.
Shares of Chicago-based Boeing fell 79 cents to close Monday at $74.34.