Over-50s are now Britian’s biggest drinkers
By ANIMonday, April 5, 2010
LONDON - A survey has found that Britons over 50 are a generation of regular drinkers, with 44 percent of them enjoying a drink a few times a week, compared to just 32 percent of those in their 20s.
The survey found that men were more frequent drinkers than women, with 48 percent drinking often compared to 33 percent of the opposite sex.
And the thirstiest region is the northwest of England where 45 per cent of all people say they drink frequently.
“This really explodes the stereotype of the younger generations being heavier drinkers. Actually, the over-50s enjoy drinking more regularly,” the Daily Express quoted James Endersby of Opinium Research, which conducted the survey, as saying.
According to experts, middle-class and middle-aged drinkers have more disposable income to spend on wine and beer as well as more leisure time in which to drink.
But high prices in pubs have led to many over-50s opting to drink at home where they are tempted to finish a bottle of wine at night.
Occupation gives a clue to drinking habits, the research found, with nearly six in ten people working in media, publishing and entertainment drinking frequently.
More than half of those in the construction trade also drink regularly. (ANI)