Job vacancy: Director to bring joy to the world, salary 80k pounds!
By ANITuesday, March 30, 2010
LONDON - A newly formed charity is seeking a director whose job will be to bring joy to the world.
As for qualifications, the Movement for Happiness wants the successful applicant to have a vision of society in which people are motivated by more than just money, reports Sky News.
Salary the charity is offering for the post is 80,000-pounds-a-year.
The movement has been formed by Lord Layard, of the London School of Economics.
The other co-founders, Anthony Seldon, Master of Wellington College, and Geoff Mulgan, former head of policy at 10 Downing Street, believe that increases in material wealth in the West have failed to deliver a happier society.
“We hope it will become a mass movement, extending far beyond our borders, with members who are committed to trying to produce more happiness in all spheres of life,” Lord Layard told The Times.
In an advertisement for the post of director, the founders said: “We hope this movement will help to shift our culture away from selfish materialism towards more rewarding forms of social engagement.” (ANI)