Brit woman eyes scaling UK’s highest peak - in a bikini!
By ANIMonday, March 22, 2010
LONDON - A hairdresser is looking to scale the UK’s highest peak Ben Nevis in a bikini as part of her fundraising bid.
Jolene Clark, 24, is hoping to raise cash for the cystic fibrosis unit at the Ninewells Hospital after her brother Stuart died of the condition in December.
“Stuart wanted cash to go to research and I thought Ninewells would be the best place. I chose the bikini idea because it is so randomly crazy. If it makes people want to sponsor me that little bit extra, it will be worth every penny,” The Sun quoted Jolene as saying.
Jolene added: “I’ve spoken to experts at Ben Nevis and I know what I could be facing weather-wise.
“I’ll be taking a lot of layers in a rucksack just in case - but I don’t want to use them.” (ANI)