50pct of Cambridge students sleep with two partners in 7 days

Friday, March 12, 2010

LONDON - About half of Cambridge University students have slept with two people in the same week, a new survey has revealed.

According to the study, nearly 46 percent of the University’s students had two sexual partners in a week.

The poll for online tabloid student newspaper Tab also found that 20 percent of students had bedded at least three people in seven days.

Three percent of students also confessed to having at least five partners in the same week.

It was found that 20 percent of the students had intercourse every day, while 28 percent said they had a one-night stand at least once a term.

Over three quarters of students at Cambridge said they would rather have “first class sex” than write a first class essay.

“Cambridge is not the work-obsessed, sex starved misery pit it is sometimes portrayed to be,” the Telegraph quoted student Ali Lewis, from Tab, who compiled the results, as saying.

The poll also discovered that 86.5 percent of the students were heterosexual, 7 percent homosexual and 7.1 percent bisexual.

Artists at the university were one and a half times more likely to be gay or bisexual than scientists, the poll showed.

Twenty-nine per cent of the respondents reported knowing a friend with a sexually transmitted disease.

Fitzwilliam College students were most promiscuous followed by Corpus Christi and Trinity. (ANI)

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